The research and development, biotech and medical industries are the champions of modern age and create original and innovative solutions that impact present day society, so that it may keep on giving, sometimes towards the planet, Mars, or through the green movement, allowing for an environmentally clean future.
Life-saving vaccines, including the creation of medical devices and implants, assisting those in need, attract top-talent, driven towards taking the greater good to the greatest good. While the pioneers of intellectual property-driven medical, bio tech and r&d businesses are anticipating our future society’s needs and establishing pathways towards best practices, they require to lease or purchase real estate that is next generation flex space.

Not much changes with how industrial real estate is built and it is still made of steel-reinforced concrete tilt up walls. With flex spaces re-imagined for the r&d, medical and bio tech industries, we have variables of, floor plan, power requirements, the need for an environmentally approved hazardous containment area, amongst others.
Each building’s use may be best understood through the eyes of the occupying company and its mission. With the building’s use being applicable to many different science-related industries, the pioneer’s imagination is the limit. Amongst many others, a wet lab helps with disease prevention, seeks to solve existing medical challenges and can serve to test human matter, prior and post surgery, or as a part of one’s annual physical with their primary care provider. A dry lab, experiments, usually, with very large instruments and dry materials, to perform computer-based calculations and research, so that impactful and affordable solutions may eventually become a reality, such as: harnessing the sun’s power as an energy source for cars and housing, and rocket science development, allowing for the re-use of a rocket. With research and development industrial real estate, pharmaceutical companies are applying research to create new drugs and combat disease, all the while; breakthroughs are realized in rocket science, so that space travel for all becomes an affordable reality, including affordable international travel, promising an arrival in 2 instead of 16 hours. The same real estate is occupied and serves to develop software, semiconductors and advance technology to bring artificial intelligence to reality, feeding into the need for faster, computational-driven computers, developed in a dry lab, and all geared towards a consumer-centric society. Society travels in its limitless imagination to determine the future of science-related industrial real estate, as experienced with the evolution of the warehouse to flex space.